Pangkalan Bekalan Kemaman Sdn. Bhd. owns and operates Kemaman Supply Base (KSB). It is the biggest petroleum supply base in Peninsular Malaysia. From a merely 30 hectares of area when started in 1982, it has grown to 180 hectares of developed area with additional 60 hectares of land bank for future expansion.

The whole area of KSB is uniquely licensed by Royal Customs of Malaysia under the Warehousing and Manufacturing scheme. As a result, taxes and duties for imported oil field equipment entering KSB and subsequently going to offshore locations are deferred and exempted.

This distinctive license provide additional incentive to oil producers namely Petronas Carigali, ExxonMobil, Repsol, Sapura E & P, IPC, HESS and others to operate in KSB. Other than these giant oil producers, there are more than 200 support service companies; both multinational and local entrepreneurs have their presence and facilities inside the base.

These companies offer various types of oilfield trade specialities. Among them are drilling equipment and wireline contractors, well completion, fabrication and other maintenance companies making KSB truly and integrated supply base.

In 2015, EPIC bought over both facilities and operating company of West Wharf. With the inclusion of West Wharf into KSB’s license, additional 4 berthing points are available. West Wharf blue print development is to have mirror image facilities of existing KSB. At the end of 2016, the mud plant is already commissioned.


KSB is an all-weathered port with sufficient draft enabling supply vessels to call-in at any time at 11 berthing points with minimum 8 meters depth simultaneously.

4 blocks of 3 – storey buildings suitable for companies administration office.
Storage tanks and silos for liquid and powder bulk.
Spacious open yard area.
49 units of warehouses.


Material Handling Equipment with range of capacities of cranes, prime-movers and forklifts.
Complete mud plant services inclusive Drilling Base Oil (DBO) storage.
Bunker of fuel and supply of potable water.
Cargo handling and manpower supply.
Dock and vessels. Rental of property.


Infrastructure and Building Maintenance Services.
Project Consultancy and Engineering Services.
24/7 Auxiliary Police, Security Service, crew transfer and scanning facilities.
High Speed Broadband & Phone (Unifi).
Liquid Mud Plant (LMP).
Centralized food.
Non schedule waste disposal.

Contact Info: 

Pangkalan Bekalan Kemaman Sdn. Bhd.
2nd Floor, Annexe Building, Kemaman Supply Base,
24007 Kemaman, Terengganu Darul Iman.

Contact Person:

Md. Nasir Bin Ahmad
General Manager

Telephone Number:

+609 – 860 2222
Fax Number:
+609 – 863 1716
Email Address:

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